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Carol Mo, LCSW

Carol Mo, LCSW


My therapy style is adaptive, collaborative, and responsive to your unique needs and therapy goals.

My Therapy Style

My therapy style is adaptive, collaborative, and responsive to your unique needs and therapy goals. I am committed to supporting you in an emotionally and physically safe space as we explore ways to empower you to live a more healthy, satisfied, and meaningful life as you define it. We can together explore what that could be for you as you take the first courageous step in seeking a therapist that can support your personal healing journey. Our therapy process can be goal-oriented and time-limited while also leaving ample space for you to feel heard, validated, and supported as you learn and practice skills to better manage your emotions, thoughts, and behavior.

We can also adjust the pace of therapy should you choose to spend more time exploring your inner emotional and thought life, past or present challenging life circumstances. I have supported clients as they tried to cope with relationship stress, chronic illnesses, work stress, family issues, trauma, grief, losses, or any other life experiences that they want to process and work through. I have worked with young adults, adults, older adults, and their families. I have been trained in a range of modalities including Psychodynamic approaches, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Solution Focus Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, as well as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). These different therapeutic approaches above are evidenced based and can help to address a range of psychological issues including but not limited to depression, anxiety, trauma, and more.

Education & Training

BA - Psychology, University of California Berkeley

MSW - Social Welfare, University of California, Berkeley

Get to Know Me

Why did you become a mental health professional?

I enjoy listening to people and understanding people.

What are your interests outside of work?

I enjoy movies, music, stories, hiking, food, health, and science.

What is one thing you do daily that supports your well-being?

Eat good food and listen to good music.

What book have you read more than once?

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. It gives an excellent explanation of Christianity in simple terms.

Favorite organization/non-profit?

Cameron House. It was run by a courageous woman named Donaldina Cameron who was fearless when fighting human trafficking, woman's issues, and injustice way ahead of her time. This non-profit continues to treat staff kindly and serves the community with sincerity, gentleness, and creativity.

How do you recharge?

Great food and walking in nature.