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Machel Best, LCSW

Machel Best, LCSW


My goal is to help people seeking to be the best version of themselves, better cope with symptoms, and/ or simply improve their life.

My Therapy Style

I have experience working with the entire spectrum of mental health diagnosis. Issues can include anxiety, depression, trauma, culture and intersectionality struggles, interpersonal conflict, anger management struggles, and/ or mood disorders.

My theoretical base comes from a number of therapy types. This includes cognitive reframing & Dialectical Interventions such as emotional regulation, distress tolerance, interpersonal effectiveness, and mindfulness. I also treat anxiety, depression, grief & complex traumas, help clients better manage impulsivity or anger, and assist clients through transitional phases in life. In conclusion, my goal is to help people seeking to be the best version of themselves, better cope with symptoms, and/ or simply improve their life.

Education & Training

MSW - Social Work, California State University Dominguez Hills

Get to Know Me

Why did you become a mental health professional?

I became a therapist due to a mixture of experiences including being raised in Oakland, personal experiences in my family, and in my professional experience as a counselor. The common denominator was mental health in all of the aforementioned situations and I wanted to a resource of helping to heal some of the dynamics I've seen in my community, family, and previous jobs as I grew into who I am today.

What are your interests outside of work?

I enjoy sports, hip hop, traveling, and financial literacy.

What is one thing you do daily that supports your well-being?

Go to the gym.

What book have you read more than once?

The autobiography of Samora Machel because I can relate to it and it inspired me.

Favorite organization/non-profit?

East Oakland Community Project, because of the work they do in serving the East Oakland community.

How do you recharge?

Spending time with family/ friends.